So a little bit about my self, on how my cancer was detected. On a hot summer day in July, while preparing for vacation to San Antonio TX, we were loading up a camper trailer and that’s when I injured my back, I experienced tremendous back pain. I figured it was pulled or a strained muscle, from moving heavy items, I felt I would heal within a few weeks. So a month later in September, the back pains did not give in, I set an appointment with my local doctor. The doctor requested x-ray’s to be performed on my back to verify any potential issues. I was called back a week later, indicating more x-rays were needed, to verify an abnormality in the x-ray. I myself, didn’t think much of it, and did not return for additional x-rays, feeling confident nothing serious was happening.
3 weeks later, I followed up with an allergy related issue and finish the x-ray portion. In the second week of October, I was called back to the Dr’s office. I knew this time, something was wrong, I never get called back by a doctor. I was then informed by my doctor on October 11, 2011 that I had cancer tumors in my spine and more testing was needed! After additional testing was completed, I was diagnosed with stage 4 Lung Cancer. I was devastated, felt hurt, alone, unsure, and un-certain of my future. I would say this was the worst feeling and time of my life. Shortly after being diagnosed, I fell into a deep depression for about 4 months not knowing what the future held.
Strong support from Monica, my kids, family, friends, and prayer, helped lift me out of depression to give myself a fighting chance. After the depression stage, came the fighting stage. With all the support behind me, treatments began to fight of Lung Cancer. Almost 4 years after being diagnosed, with the support and assistance from Baylor, Pzier and prayers to Jesus Christ and God, I am able to almost function as a normal father, friend and fellow lung cancer supporter.