8NEWS – WRIC | News Where You Live RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) – There’s been a lot of talk about the action on the field since Redskins Training Camp started last month, but today the focus was on a health campaign happening on the sidelines. Former Redskins Linebacker Chris Draft brought his charity Team Draft to the Bon Secours Washington Redskins Training Center in memory of his wife Lakeasha. “She fought the disease, she was healthy, she was strong, an amazing woman,” says Draft about Lakeasha. “It really opened our eyes to something we had no clue about, and that’s anyone can get lung cancer.” Lakeasha, an active 38-year-old, lost her battle in December 2011. Her only symptom was a shortness of breath just days before her Stage 4 diagnosis. “People think you have to be smokers, that you’re not in good health. I was in great health, never smoked no one ever suspected it,” says Donna Sarver, who fought her own battle with Stage 4 Lung Cancer at VCU Massey Cancer Center. Sarver won her own fight, but she knows firsthand that anyone can get lung cancer. It affects men, women, all races and ages. Fifteen percent of those diagnosed have never smoked, like in the case of both Lakeasha and Sarver. It’s why Team Draft is spreading that message through Redskins Training Camp and similar gatherings. All types of people come together. Says Draft about his campaign, “Just like cancer, it doesn’t discriminate. It can hit anyone so sports venues, especially football, is a perfect place.” Each year lung cancer kills more people than breast, prostate and colon combined, according to the American Cancer Society. Draft is hopeful more awareness will save more lives. Curtsey of Young Broadcasting of Richmond |