Past Events from February 21, 2013 – January 3, 2013 – Page 36 – Team Draft

A Survivor at Every Stadium: 2014 NFL Pro Bowl

Honolulu, HI. Lung cancer survivors Bridgette Branch and Karen Latzka will represent Team Draft at the 2014 NFL Pro Bowl in Honolulu, Hawaii. Both Bridgette and Karen are in their 4th year of survivorship and have benefitted from recent changes …

Winter White

Saks Fifth Avenue, New York, NY. Friday morning, Off The Field Players' Wives Association (OTFPWA) and Team Draft—a lung cancer awareness initiative launched by Chris and Keasha Draft during Keasha’s year-long battle with the disease—teamed up to raise lung cancer awareness through …

Taste of the NFL

Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. -- Saturday night, lung cancer survivors Kathy O'Brien, Abraham Almanza, and Susan Cortese joined Team Draft at the 23rd annual Taste Of The NFL. As Team Draft's representatives at the "Party With A Purpose," the survivors …

“Bringing Hope Home”

San Carlos, CA. Team Draft Co-Founder Chris Draft moderated a discussion during the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (BJALCF), Lung Cancer Living Room online support group. The goal of the discussion, titled "Bringing Hope Home", focused on Lung Cancer …

Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), Southeastern Regional Medical Center

Newnan, GA. Team Draft visited with two integral parts of the CTCA- Southeastern Regional Medical Center lung cancer team. Inventional Pulmonologist, Dr. Rabih Bechara and Medical Oncologist, Dr. Patricia Thompson gave a tour of the facility and explained CTCA's approach …

Covidien ENB Summit

San Antonio, TX. Team Draft Co-Founder Chris Draft will give the keynote address at the Covidien ENB (electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy) Summit. The address will focus on the founding of Team Draft and the creation of the five pillars- Awareness, Early …

Oxygen Ball

Greenville, SC. Lung cancer survivors, Kristen Carlton and David Stephens, will represent Team Draft at the Oxygen Ball in Greenville, SC. The Oxygen Ball is the signature program for American Lung Association of Upstate South Carolina. The Ball will feature …

A Survivor at Every Arena: Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta, GA. Cancer Treatment Centers of America lung cancer survivor Shermaine Lee, and her family, will represent Team Draft tonight at Phillips Arena. Shermaine, a Special Education administrator in the Dekalb County School District, will watch her hometown Atlanta Hawks …

Houston Methodist Hospital Cancer Center

Houston, TX. Team Draft will tour the Houston Methodist Hospital Cancer Center and meet with lung cancer specialist, Dr. Bernicker and the head of the cancer center, Dr. Jenny Chang. About Houston Methodist Cancer Center: Methodist Cancer Center physicians and …

St. Francis Health Cancer Center

Team Draft will be touring the new St. Francis Cancer Center. Franciscan St. Francis Health Cancer Center repesents the very best in multidisciplinary cancer care, focusing medical expertise and research on all types of early and advanced stage cancers. We …