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    21st Century Cures Act

Lung Cancer Facts

What is the Biggest Cancer Killer

Produced in partnership with Catch It In Time (, this video highlights the lack of awareness about lung cancer. It features Draft asking people on the street which cancer is the biggest killer of women, men and overall. While most people said that breast cancer kills more women, that prostate cancer more men, and that skin cancer kills more people overall than any other cancers, the fact is lung cancer takes more lives than breast, cervical and prostate cancer combined and kills more people than any other cancer. This video is designed to raise public awareness by shining a light on the true facts about this deadly disease and inviting people to share those facts.

The Facts

  1. Anyone can get lung cancer.
  2. Lung cancer kills more people than breast, prostate and colon cancers.
  3. The 5 year survival rate for lung cancer is just 19% - a rate that has changed very little since the 1970's.
  4. Nearly 60% of those diagnosed with lung cancer are people who have never smoked or are former smokers.
  5. Lung cancer surpassed breast cancer as the number #1 cancer killer for women in 1987.

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The State of Lung Cancer

We have visited over 100 cancer centers and hospitals across North America and we will visit more! Together WE ARE Changing the Face of Lung Cancer!

Sandy Jauregui-Baza Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

In 2012, Sandy Jauregui-Baza was hiking along the Tamul waterfall in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, when she started coughing and having trouble breathing. “I remember thinking I must be coming down with something... read more →

Ann Phillips is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

In May of 2015, I had a seizure and collapsed one morning before taking my young children to school. Within 24 hours, the doctors suspected I had lung cancer. ... read more →

Matt Arensdorf is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Life couldn’t have been any better in early 2016. My wife, Jen, and I had just celebrated the birth of our daughter, Grace. I had an amazing wife and a perfect little girl.... read more →

Linda Wortman is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

My name is Linda Wortman and I’m a nonsmoker. I flew for Northwest Airlines for 35 years. I began my career in 1973. January 11, 2008, I was diagnosed with non small cell Lung Cancer. ... read more →

Jill Feldman is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

When I was 13, two of my grandparents died from lung cancer within weeks of diagnosis and within weeks of each other.... read more →

Elizabeth Dessureault Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

I was diagnosed on April 21st, 2015 with non-small cell lung cancer. As a healthy, 26 year old non-smoker, this news came as a complete shock.... read more →

Kathy Weber is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer survivor Kathy Weber is taking part in Team Draft’s 2016 Lung Cancer Survivors Super Bowl Challenge, raising money on behalf of the IASLC Foundation ... read more →

Jackie Archer is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Tuesday, August 2, 2005, at the age of 40 years and in seemingly excellent health, an evening commuter came crashing into my SUV. I quickly phoned 911. Within moments there were lights and sirens coming from every direction... read more →

Don Stranathan is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

The bad news is that I have cancer. The good news is that cancer has taught me to live life to the fullest. I never allow cancer to define me.... read more →

Keeping my Faith – Living with Stage IV Lung Cancer

After being diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer over Thanksgiving 2012, I've decided to document my journey for my friends, family, and most of all, my sweet angel Karley.... read more →

Lisa Goldman is Changing the Face of Lung Cancr

I’m a 41 year old mother and wife. I have advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), Adenocarcinoma. My kids are 8 and 11.... read more →

Tomma Hargraves is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

In October of 2006, Tomma Hargraves found a small lump in her neck. Although she felt very healthy, she went to her doctor to have the lump checked out.... read more →

Now You Know! Take Action

Join the National Campaign to Change the Face of Lung Cancer

You've read the facts but here's another. Fighting for every breath requires a team effort. Every team is built when individuals like you who decide to make the choice to fight. We can't do it alone. Join TEAM DRAFT and LET'S FIGHT

Join Team Draft

Start Here! Join Team Draft to find out how you can help us Change The Face of Lung Cancer!

Burlington, MA. In early November, retired NFL linebacker Chris Draft visited the Healing Garden of the Sophia Gordon Cancer Center at Lahey Medical Center - Read More

We are thrilled to invite you, for the 3rd year in a row, to Team Draft’s (Virtual) Tackling Cancer Camp  with the Chicago Bears - Read More

Atlanta, GA. Our 6th annual Lung Cancer Survivors Super Bowl Challenge kicked off on November 1, 2019. Our top fundraisers were Angie Downs, Lisa Moran, and Team HOPE - Read More

Prior to Super Bowl 46, ESPN highlighted the life of Keasha Rutledge Draft and the founding of Team Draft.

Read More Stories

News and Media

Super Bowl Challenge 2020 Winners

This unique fund raising challenge gives lung cancer survivors the opportunity to raise funds for public awareness and cutting-edge research that is giving new hope to those battling this often misunderstood disease. The top three fundraising Teams, Angela Downs, Lisa Moran,and Team Hope... read more →

Tackling Cancer with the Chicago Bears

Team Draft’s Tackling Cancer Camp with the Chicago Bears sponsored by the American Association of Cancer Research Representing: University of Chicago Cancer Center, Rush University Cancer Center, Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center,... read more →

Chris Draft Leads ACS Advantage Humans Campaign

The spirit of the Society’s “Advantage Humans” campaign conveys the emotions inherent in each and every one of us to deal with the fight against cancer. Photographed and directed by two cancer survivors, the ad campaign brings to life the range of raw, powerful emotions – rage, anger, courage, hope, defiance and others... read more →

Cancer Survivor Wins Tickets to the Super Bowl

Our 2019 Super Bowl Challenge winner along side our co-founder Chris Draft sat down with CNN on Super Bowl Sunday. Speaking about her diagnosis and also the importance of research dollars... read more →

Green Beret tackles terminal cancer in wounded warrior game

ATLANTA (FOX 5 Atlanta) – It was a flag football game like few offers where the heroes were men and women who returned from war with battle scars. They were part of the WWAFT, Wounded Warrior Amputee Football team, who clashed with Atlanta Falcons and retired NFL players at XL Sports in Fairburn.... read more →

Roswell woman fighting lung cancer wins Super Bowl tickets

(CBS46)- Patty Watkins was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer five years ago this month. “I basically woke up from a surgery that I didn't know I was going to have with a surgeon at Kennestone telling me that I had stage four lung cancer and to get my affairs in order and to call my kids home from Auburn.”... read more →

Green Beret Battling Cancer Recognized at the Panthers

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (FOX 46 CHARLOTTE) - A Purple Heart Green Beret from North Carolina who is battling terminal cancer, and the government over the right to sue for medical malpractice, was honored by the Carolina Panthers during Monday Night Football... read more →

Down Under Chaning the Face of Lung Cancer

Chris Draft lost his wife to lung cancer a month into their marriage, now the NFL star is down under to share his wife’s legacy and continue the fight against lung cancer.... read more →

Fighting Lung Cancer Among Non-Smokers

When you usually think of lung cancer you associate it with smoking. But not everyone who gets lung cancer. Take Tim Kimmel and Keasha Draft, wife of former NFL linebacker Chris Draft. When Draft’s wife died, he started a non-profit, the Chris Draft Family Foundation, to raise awareness.... read more →

Journey Time With Team Draft’s Co-Founder

In this episode, we meet Chris Draft, a former NFL linebacker and lung cancer advocate leading an international campaign to change the face of lung cancer. In 2011, lung cancer claimed the life of his wife, Keasha, and today, Chris uses his platform to stand up for others battling lung cancer.... read more →

Chris Draft Speaks at the National Press Club

The Lung Cancer Awareness Month Coalition will hold a joint event to mark the beginning of Lung Cancer Awareness Month and promote awareness and hope for the lung cancer community and the general public.... read more →

Difference Makers: 12-year NFL veteran Chris Draft on HLN

Team Draft CO-Founder Chris Draft and Atlanta lung cancer survivor Patty Watkins sat down with CNN/HLN Sport Reporter Coy Wire for a feature about #DifferenceMakers. ... read more →

More News and Media


Team Draft is proud to partner with the hundreds of hospitals, research centers, health care facilities and cancer centers that fight for and support cancer fighters and their families. Here are just a few!